Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Need New Furniture?

It's been a long time that I haven't engaged myself to business. Since my husband loves doing furniture of our own and somehow his got a lot of idea to do, I’m planning to start furniture as a new family business. Just like other businesses before you start it,you need to have a business plan and unique materials and designs to convince a customer that your one of a kind. Designs that's extra ordinary to one’s eyes. But maybe I have to consult my plan to my husband if he may agree with me or not. And may be I’ll introduce to him some rustic furniture so he can get an idea what a salable furniture look like. Their unique designs impressed me and that you can't easily find at any other furniture shop but only from rustic furniture alone. Besides of being unique, most of their furniture was designed to suit spaces of large and small rooms. The natural color of their furniture makes it easy to blend at any room colors and some facilities and accessories to coordinate the looks of your room. But somehow it’s nice to know that there is a company that produces good quality furniture.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What if, we don't panic!

It was ended a horrible thing to see on television to see a live coverage of hostage taking blow by blow, fed by media to the whole world. But I don't want to elaborate further the details of what had happened yesterday's hostage taking of a dismissed policeman because I know only a few wasn't aware of what happened yesterday. May be the media had over looked of their task and the policemen had missed some of the operating procedures in assisting the situation. And also I should not forget my curious fellow Filipinos who were always present to this kind of scenario without thinking the risk of their lives at any moment. So to those who blame who's who, it’s easy to say who's to blame and who we are to blame who; so we should not. Every one who's been there on the scene of the crime doing their jobs were all at risk, except to those I think who had nothing to do there but wait and say as bystanders. It was a bloody ending drama. In my own opinion, everything that happened yesterday was as if in a rush presumption and decision making without the guidance of prayer. Like the hostage taker comes to conclude that his demand will be granted right away by hostage taking. The media people, taking every views of the event while even in a very difficult situation just to get a scoop doing their jobs. And the policemen of their wrong speculations as they come closer rushing to the bus for an assault, upon knowing the news that no one was alive inside the bus at the time the bus driver was able to escape for safety and even not able to control the bystanders as soon as the tragedy ended. But we've been there,it happens as it happened yesterday. Again, I don't want to blame even a single character involve because I know everyone prayed for a peaceful ending of the story. But what if we don’t panic? Was the scenario worst than that of EDSA 1? I don't think so. It was both climatic situations but the late President Cory Aquino handled it first through prayers and miracle happened. To that eleven hours of hostage taking what if the assailant move backward and say a moment of prayer to guide them what proper things to do before they resort to an assault? What if the newscasters were able to limit their freedom to scoop blow by blow of the scenario? And the bystanders as well, did they ever think that they were not able to add distraction to the police operations? Sometimes giving in a rush approach to a certain situation resulted to a non satisfying result. I know it's not that easy to face such circumstances but first remember to be compose, have a lot of patience and analyze the root of the problem and don't forget to say a little prayer first for guidance. As they the saying goes “Prayer moves mountains“. We’re only human beings and that’s why we need to be guided accordingly by HIS well.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Tomorrow will be another day to remember for Kathy's singing career.Early morning, she will audition for a singing contest in one of the famous TV stations, in search of a new young pop star.This is an attempt to remember.I pray that GOD will guide us tomorrow so everything will be fine.As I've said everything happens because GOD had all the reasons.Don't doubt and don't ask why.Always believe that " GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME ".


During our younger years and even today we’re not bothered to choose activities or task that fits our capability as long our minds says “go”, we did it. Because of the saying that goes, “Time is gold” and “Time is money” sometimes we tend to neglect the pain just to gain because we’re not getting younger but older. So most often we are aggressive and always in a hurry but we tend to neglect our physical care pursuing of something in our life. But I’m sure you will agree that once you reach your mid-forties your will notice a lot of body changes on your body. Memory gap, poor eyesight, speed are just a few that affects our body’s performance but the most irritating is, the body pain and the arthritis that victimizes mostly senior citizens. What really causes the pain? Physical abuse or life style during younger age, the food we eat and lack of exercise are just a few of so many reasons that causes body pains and arthritis. And even me, due to so many task I’m doing, I did fell the pain.And to make sure that the pain will not worsen, I tried all the remedies that I think will automatically cure and may lessen the pain. But I know these remedies will only be temporary. But I’m not bothered anymore.Upon searching remedies, I‘m pretty sure that I found a medicine that will not only be a remedy but will totally cure my body pain or arthritis. If you’re active like me, you will not be excuse of the body pain or arthritis. So, before worst comes to worst, please visit Review of Trigosaminefor a total cure and relief of your body pain or arthritis.The medicine is not a remedy, it cures! This is the option you will never regret.