Saturday, August 01, 2009

Fish Sinigang (Talakitok)

Yesterday, I was very lucky I bought a green tamarind fruit which I fondly use whenever I cook a sinigang. It’s either fish or pork. From the month of May until July, this kind of fruit is hard to be found in the market. Some are just using sinigang broth as an alternative during this season. But for me, I rather use green mango if ever there’s no green tamarind fruit around to buy or else I will not cook sinigang anymore.

I bought seven and one half grams of fish called “talakitok“. I took the head portion of the fish because it is more delicious than the fleshy part and I paid it, a hundred pesos. I also bought one fourth kilo of green tamarind fruit, an onion, five pesos of string beans and ten pesos camote tops and the most important, is the long green pepper that my husband is always looking for every time I cook a sinigang.
I don’t follow a pattern of menus for a week. It’s the budget and the mood of my family of what to eat that I consider the most during meal time.
In my fish sinigang here, I shoot some of my ingredients just to let you see how important the freshness of the ingredients to me, especially the fish and vegetables. It‘s one thing that we mothers should be more careful particularly the intakes of our family. Be reminded that getting sick nowadays cost us much and it’s very annoying.
Actually fish sinigang is not a favorite dish of my kids. They preferred pork sinigang instead. But even though it's not their favorite, I don’t really mind if I fell that I am gaining more weights because of the pork. “Health is wealth” mind you.
Every time I cook pork or fish sinigang, I don't forget to buy a banana fruit for a desert.See my youngest daughter eating my fish sinigang.

Ingredients of my fish sinigang (Talakitok):

7 1/2 Fish- head portion (Talakitok)
1 Liter of drinking water
1 Red onion
1/2 Small bundle string beans
2 Small bundle of camote tops
1 Cup of green tamarind soup
5 Pieces green long pepper
Monosodium Glutamate and salt (according to taste)


1. Prepare and wash all the ingredients and materials to be use
2. Put one liter water on the cooking pan and the red onion sliced by four parts
Wait until the water boils.
3. Add the sliced fish and the sliced red onion.
4. Cover the pan and simmer for ten minutes wait until fish residue appears on the surface
of the soup.
5. With the use of a puddle pull out the entire fish residue that floats at the surface of the
6. After cleaning the soup, put on the tamarind fruit and the string beans into the pan.
7. Pull out the tamarind fruit as it floats at the surface of the soup and put it in a bowl with
a half glass of water to make it easier to mash the tamarind.
8. Mash the tamarind fruit and measure one cup of it.
9. This time put the salt and monosodium glutamate by your desired taste. Together
with camote tops, green pepper and the one tamarind soup. Simmer for five minutes
and immediately put off the fire, so as not to over cook the vegetable.
10. The fish sinigang is done. Serve it hot.

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