Thursday, September 02, 2010


This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.
That was 2004 when my son Michael, enrolled for another course in college. He enrolled for computer engineering course but completed only one year for it. But during those semesters while he was in school what really catches my eye was his classmate named, JR. He's the only student inside the campus that can't go to school without his wheelchair. He was a polio victim but with so much determination to finish his studies, he goes to school everyday turning the wheel of his wheelchair by his two hands until he reaches the gate of the school. And he did this almost everyday by himself and sometimes if he's lucky enough a classmate or a friend may give him a push of his wheelchair whenever they see him on the way to school if they want to hike a short distance from the highway, to their school and not to ride a tricycle. And believe it or not, he travel almost one kilometer everyday crossing the highway just to be in school so he will be in school earlier than his classmates so that he will be push upstairs by them for their subjects at the upper level of the school building and because of their effort, JR called his classmates his " private caregivers ".JR was a big inspiration to me and I think also to our community and inside the school campus. He had a positive out look in life. He's very talkative and I saw him smiling to often and greet friends he passed by. But in spite of his disability, he doesn't mind nor clamor of what hardship he goes through and mind you; he even goes to singing auditions to participate riding on his wheelchair! Yes that's JR, and if I'll be given a chance and if I can only invent a machine that could make it easier for him to go to school I'll make it! Oh my! I'm familiar of the automatic wheelchairs that those well off disable persons are using, but one day to my surprise I saw JR driving a scooter type of wheelchair. I have no time to ask JR where he got his new type of wheelchair but how I pray that JR soon be driving a model that came from NMEDA dealers. The advantage of availing disabled equipment from them is that they educate and evaluate what kind of equipment suited for clients needs. They see to it that quality and high standard materials are met for customer’s satisfaction. It's a tough job to attend to the mobility of disable person's needs. Why push or carry him when he can move and drive by himself around using NMEDA equipments? It’s the client’s safety that they put on consideration of their product and the freedom of the family to give independence to the patient. So the next time I see JR on the road or anywhere driving his brand new wheelchair, I'll check it out and mention to him about what I've discover about NMEDA
product. If JR is happy using his ordinary wheelchair, how much happier he be if he can avail of NMEDA product and can call it his own!
Visit my sponsor: NMEDA

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