Friday, January 14, 2011


Linda and Efren are spouses who both work at the Municipal City Office. Linda was assigned at the Assessor's office while Efren works at the Engineering office. They had two daughters and one helper in the house. The two kids go to a private school. Efren and Linda sent their two daughters in school in the morning before going to their work and fetch them after office hours. The family lives; a simple life with their routine everyday. So their officemates ask them about their leisure time and how they spent it. Both spouses told them that they play Bingo at the mall twice or thrice a week. Some had a doubt if the couple was telling the truth. But the fact that the couple owns a brand new car and the car was a grand prize from playing Bingo at the mall, they were easily convinced. As much as possible we always want to go home straight after work if possible and if only we can play Bingo at home we might not go to the mall just for that reason, the couple commented. But may be next week we will play Bingo at home since my husband found a site called bingo sites My husband found the Bingo sites yesterday and he is on familiarizing how to play on line, Linda told their officemates." Even you friends can play Bingo on line," encouraged Linda.

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